Friday, December 18, 2015

Happy Holidays!!

It would appear that an alien ship has come to make the miracle of completing Dry Moon happen...NOT.
However, we do have progress with scoring and finecutting...if we can just fill the narrative holes and get our score in plac--e the film will be done and then I can die!  NOT.
Then I can sing and dance and live to make my next film!!!!!!!
HELP!  Please send money (or prayers)--and HAPPY CHRISTMAS AND NEW YEARS TO ALL!

Friday, July 31, 2015

The tastes and smells of summer....

The tastes of summer, the smell of tomatoes ripening on the vine, rub your hand down the vine and smell the delishiousness!  This season we harvest and eat what's fresh and put the rest up for later...

Here is what we are doing:
fine-cut to picture lock
sound recording for all ambient tracks (including foley)
gathering songs and music
lay down all tracks and mix
final output

then comes the FALL

and we sit in the screening and watch Dry Moon and perhaps remember smelling the tomatoes...

Monday, July 20, 2015

Sunday, June 28, 2015

This time last summer....

Here is the wish, last summer, now this summer...a gang of five unlikely people to finish my film...for FUN as it should be when one is creating...

The past comes back around for good or for worse.  This time works!
For everyone in Dry Moon!

Wednesday, May 13, 2015

Spring brings thoughts of love...

...and working to finish Dry Moon.  We have a new team for the summer work schedule and hope to complete this year.  The blossoms come and go, so the trees get bigger and stronger.  That is the work of this film--for all of us involved.  Finally, perhaps soon, we will see the full-grown living art-formed and ready to fly into the hearts and minds of strangers.

Friday, January 23, 2015

a little inspiration

Beautiful evocative graphic from Esther Sumner, my editor and friend who has done so much for Dry Moon!  Inspiration for just pushing for the music to score.

Tuesday, January 13, 2015

how many hats?

How many hats does an artist wear?  I guess it depends on the level of commercial success, or interest in commerce.  I have worn so many hats in the production of Dry Moon I wonder how that looks to the outsider (and potential investor)--but I would ask...what is the alternative?  To NOT make the film.  Otherwise it is impossible because it takes so many different skills and talents to make a movie.  There have been those who have quit the project, abandoned hope of ever seeing it finished.  But there are those who have a flicker of hope, and of course me, carrying the torch.

Hope is essential, it is the Top Hat.

Friday, January 9, 2015

Happy 2015--from then until now--

Here we are at the start of another year.  This year will be the year of the Dry Moon!  I think so...we are moving forward on the score--and with the right mix of luck and hours of work--we should be able to finish by Spring, though I can not promise.

To all our folks....thanks for never-ending patience and support!