Friday, December 18, 2015

Happy Holidays!!

It would appear that an alien ship has come to make the miracle of completing Dry Moon happen...NOT.
However, we do have progress with scoring and finecutting...if we can just fill the narrative holes and get our score in plac--e the film will be done and then I can die!  NOT.
Then I can sing and dance and live to make my next film!!!!!!!
HELP!  Please send money (or prayers)--and HAPPY CHRISTMAS AND NEW YEARS TO ALL!

1 comment:


    There is only one kind of water baptism mentioned under the new covenant---that would be believers baptism.

    The examples of baptism in Acts. 1. Acts 2:38-41 Belief preceded water baptism. 2. Acts 8:12-13 Belief preceded water baptism. 3. Acts 8:35-38 Belief preceded water baptism. 4. Acts 10:34-48 Belief preceded water baptism. 5. Acts 16:14-15 Belief preceded water baptism. 6. Acts 16:27-34 Belief preceded water baptism. 7. Acts 18:8 Belief preceded water baptism. 8. Acts 19:1-5 Belief preceded water baptism. 9. Acts 22:7-16 Belief preceded water baptism.

    There are no examples of unbelievers under the new covenant of being baptized in water. Infants and small children are unbelievers. Infants and small children have no need to be baptized because they are not guilty of sin.

    John 8:24 "Therefore I said to you that you will die in your sins; for if you do not believe that I am He, you will die in your sins."(NKJV)

    Being baptized in water without believing that Jesus is the Son of God does not wash away sins. Jesus said if you do not believe that He is the Son of God you will die in your sins. Infants and small children are not capable of believing that Jesus is the Son of God. Are they lost? Of course not. Children have no sins of which to repent.

    Baptizing an atheist in water will not result in his sins being forgiven.

    Water baptism alone does not produce forgiveness of sins for anyone.

    Mark 16:16 "He who believes and is baptized will be saved...(NKJV)

    Belief always precedes water baptism.

    There is no forgiveness without belief.
    There is no forgiveness without water baptism.

    Faith alone cannot save.
    Water baptism alone cannot save.

