Friday, October 18, 2013

the times they are....

Well Gracie getting handcuffed...imprisoned for nothing except the desperate desire to return to the simple life of love with her new baby which was taken from her by a system doomed by its own bureaucracy...  This is what is behind the scene...getting punished for being yourself, being different.  And everybody knows that is very UN-American, but this punishment, it happens all the time.  It is a state of affairs that everyone tacitly agrees to, no matter how politically correct, or open-minded.  It is the 'WAY IT IS"  Get along, don't make waves, there is no culture of any benefit for rebellion...the days of not fitting in are over it seems.  Fit in or stay on the outside which is NOT cool.  You don't get hired, you don't get ahead, and you barely survive that way.  Bob Dylan was right, the times they are a'changin... but they are a'changin to stay the same for everyone.  If you are rich you get richer.  If you are poor you better take a hand out or die...and the humiliation and self-effacement that comes with it.  Forget about dignity.  The only ones entitled to that are the rich or those who humbly accept their lowly position...where those in power pretend to care.  The dignity of the decent person with sterling character is a thing of the past, the way past.  That is why the youth of today don't care at all...they are superficial and realize that is the only way to get along.  Depth takes too long, is too messy, and does not result in anything that will pay the bills.

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